Gleneagle is home to many weekly golf leagues. Leagues are a great way to have fun, meet new people, get a feel for some friendly competition, and most of all… ENJOY GOLF! Some of the leagues are designed for individuals and some play 2–person team matches, so if you have a partner in mind, GREAT! If you don’t have a partner, that’s OK! We may be able to help find the right person for you to play golf with this summer.
Gleneagle Golf Club offers league play every Monday – Thursday evenings through a pre-determined set schedule. With well-organized care and preparation, Gleneagle will provide your league with an alternating schedule on the first and tenth holes, administer and create league contests, provide contest hole markers, and monitor pace of play to ensure all player enjoyment.
The staff is eager and excited to host your league, with great deals on your year-end outing at our sister courses, Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club, Angels Crossing, and Hemlock Golf Club, there is no better time to sign up. Please contact Gleneagle at (616) 457-8800.